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Tag Archives: privacy

Heads as gears and cogs shaped exchanging ideas / Köpfe geformt als Zahnräder im Austausch von Ideen

Two Completely Legal Tricks to Hide Your Identity

When you surf the internet your computer is given a public IP address. This address determines accurate information about your computer and its location. Simply put, without proper safeguards, anonymity when using the internet no longer exists...
Surprised woman looking over a white wall / Frau schaut über eine weiße Wand mit überraschten Augen

How do I Hide or Disguise my IP Address?

Sometimes, it may be necessary to hide or disguise your IP address. Why? Perhaps you need to access blocked sites (e.g. Betfair, BBC, Facebook, etc.) that are temporarily or permanently not accessible due to your location, or maybe you need...